The plan offers in depth explanations for why there was a need for change and how to go about ensuring that this change happens. The plan covers an in depth Vision for each of the following groups:
• Students will be able to access tools and resources 24 hours, 7 days a week depending on their strengths, weaknesses, and different learning styles.
• Parents will become more involved in their child’s education and communication will increase through the use of resources and student information.
• Teachers will be able to better individualize instruction by accessing and using student information. They will have staff development, digital tools, and resources available to them and collaboration between home, school, and community will be enhanced through communication.
• Community and board members will increase communication and participation in the decision making process through digital tools and resources and will use the fiscal resources and human capital more efficiently.
As an educator, I was not aware of this Long Range Plan. I was always using technology in and out of my classroom, but not to the extent that the plan describes. The plan is extremely useful and an eye opener for me. I am not sure if we will reach all of the goals that the plan wants us to fulfill by 2020, but at least now I know what is out there and can work towards trying to fulfill them to the best of my abilities.
As an aspiring administrator, this information is also useful and helps me see what is expected and what the vision is for our students, parents, teachers, and community. It helps me see that everyone plays and important role in the process. I, as an administrator, am expected to use technology to its fullest capacity and should also expect the same from the staff on my campus. This means that I will need to ensure that everyone on my campus has the appropriate training and tools needed to integrate technology to its fullest in and out of their classrooms. If we are expected to produce active and productive citizens in this world filled with technology, I will need to appropriate the necessary funds to cover our campus needs and ensure that my building and staff is well equipped and trained with the tools and resources necessary to accomplish this daunting task.
Work Cited:
Education Technology Long-Range Plan for Technology. (2006, December 8). Retrieved November 2009 from the Texas Education Agency Site: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/technology/lrpt/lrpt_lrpt.html
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